Mark Oakeshott on January 16, 2024
speaker_notes Blog

As recent events have shown, the lifespan of technology companies that support the industry may not always be as long as the moving companies that they serve. Although the failure of any supplier is not to be celebrated, the business interruptions to their customers can be significant and leave moving companies scrambling for a replacement.

For that reason, it is wise to be careful when selecting a technology provider and to continue to monitor their performance throughout your relationship for any indication of financial or resource challenges.

If you already have one or more technology companies providing services to your moving company, here are some signs that things may not be going well:

  • The company is slow to respond to requests to fix bugs or modifications.
  • The company only has one or two employees.
  • The company has a high staff turnover or makes a workforce reduction.
  • The company is not developing new products or slow to improve existing platforms.

If you are beginning your technology journey, there are several questions to ask when evaluating technology platforms to meet your needs:

  • When was the company established?
  • Is the company accredited to ISO 27001 for Information Security Management?
  • Does the company belong to one or more of the official associations?
  • Is the company accredited with ISO 9001 for quality management?
  • Which other clients can you approach for a reference?

Entering a relationship with a technology provider should be a well-thought-out decision. Aside from licensing fees, you will invest time and energy into training and implementation, and it is then not easy to switch after you have made your selection.

Reach out to Move4U for any further advice that you may need.